Tech: Surveillance Cameras Become Big Business - Business Edge - Newsweek -
Tech: Surveillance Cameras Become Big Business - Business Edge - Newsweek - "March 15, 2006 - When the Spotsylvania School Board resolved a year and a half ago to install a vast network of high-tech surveillance cameras in and around the county's 28 public schools, a silent sigh of relief swept through this northern Virginia county of 112,000. Civil liberties didn't seem to be this community's major concern. Rather, with memories of the Washington-area sniper shootings still sharp in their minds (two of the victims were shot there), many welcomed the sense of security. 'That [year of the shootings] was the worst fall I have ever spent in my 36-year career as a school teacher and administrator,' said Donald Alvey, secondary education director for the school district, who said parents and school officials were terrified of students' vulnerability during sports functions, recess or simply walking home from school. 'It was a no-brainer after that that we needed to put cameras in the schools to help kids and parents feel safer.' "