Bowlin' for dollars... or coffee cups

OK, so I can't bowl... I admit it... I'm almost as bad as they get. I think my lifetime high score is 90, so it's just better that I find other creative outlets when the annual company bowling tournament comes around. Last year, I was six months pregnant with Aubrey when we went bowling and wore one of Kurt's campy shirts. To my surprise, I won the Best Dressed contest. Well, this year, I couldn't let my title go undefended, so I pulled out all the stops and showed up in this lovely outfit... of course, I won again and have a lovely Starbucks mug to drink my victory cup o' Joe this morning. Lots of fun was had by all... and I was told that everyone who got a strike got a nice shot of Petrone... of course, I think seven was the most pins I knocked down at a given time, so I just got to watch others as they enjoyed the elixer of magic after their own personal striking victories. Oh well... I could practice, but hey... all I need to do is find a more ridiculous outfit to keep up my winning streak next year. I guess I better get started 'cause this one's going to be a little hard to beat.