Lots of mobile devices are getting stolen... many with sensitive information on them like people's social security numbers, blood types... you know, things that really could wreak some havoc if they fall into the hands of the right diabolical mind. It seems everyone in the news is only talking about the tragedy and aftermath of losing mobile devices like PDAs, laptops and smartphones, but no one wants to talk about the solutions. There are some great companies out there who have real mobile security solutions. My personal favorite is a company called CREDANT Technologies -
www.credant.com - they actually have a network administration piece that gives IT people full view of all the mobile devices with access to their networks (no more John Does coming into the office with their latest gadget and stealing company information), and the solution actually gives the administrators control of the devices on their networks. It's pretty cool stuff that is really needed out there in the wild, wild west of mobility.
The part that really peeves me is that no one wants to talk about the solution... it's like they're standing there saying the 'sky is falling' but oblivious to the shelter that could protect them. Anyway... just venting.
OK - even just today, here's all the noise out there about the PROBLEM... again, not the solution, the problem... AGH!
New computer virus causing global chaos
http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=115&art_id=qw111520620144B251New computer virus causing headaches here in the Valley and around the world
http://www.kesq.com/Global/story.asp?S=3296217&nav=9qrxZPtyMobile Security: Data goes walkabout (byline by PointSec)
http://www.ebcvg.com/articles.php?id=701Why IT managers should pay attention to cell phone security
http://software.itmanagersjournal.com/software/05/04/29/0235223.shtml?tid=26&tid=46Fresh Warning for Businesses to Comply with Data Protection Act (Pointsec mentioned)
http://www.securitypark.co.uk/article.asp?articleid=23745&CategoryID=1So your employer 'lost' your information
http://money.cnn.com/2005/05/03/pf/security_employees/Destroying old hard drive data is difficult but necessary
http://www.newstarget.com/007343.htmlTwo-Factor Authentication: The Next Wave in Security?
http://www.iseriesnetwork.com/content/f3/index.cfm?fuseaction=news.viewArticle&webID=1001&newsID=5021&issueID=5198&articleID=50860Patient information not for public discussion