Are there any studies or organizations?
Showing the amount or percentages of Women in Technology or specifically for Women in Technology or the Hi-Tech Industries?? Are there any organizations for Women in Public Relations that specialize in Technology?
note keywords in post describing the people that post to this blog?
Check out...
Women in Technology
The Center for Women and Information Technology
The Institute for Women and Technology
Interestingly enough, women are starting to outnumber men in college enrollment, so we can watch how the gender gap closes and reverses over the next several years. Truly, the female mind is better equipped for technology anyway... especially if the technology professional is required to also think like a business professional as well. Women have more connections between the left and right brains which make them better at critical and analytical thinking. It's why women aske for directions, and men don't.
i just print a map out ahead of time and do that whole "be prepared" boy scout thing... i like smart women better than the alternative... go girls, go!!
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